Gandía, September 27th, 1958


1980 Finishes his studies of Agricultural Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Valencia and enters the National Institute of Agricultural Investigations in Moncada.

1982 At 24 he starts up his first business, Fertiblay (organic fertilizers).

1987 he founds Agropubli with Gonzalo Iranzo, the first marketing and communication agency specialized in agrifood industry.

1990 Still together, they develop the market research Co. Investgrup, the technical magazine Phytoma Spain. Later, in 1994, “Mediterránea de Medios” media agency and the private channel TV “Valencia Te Ve”(1996).

1996 Working alone already, he starts the transformation of the Agropubli agency into the global communication Agr Group, finishing that process in the year 2000, the Group consists of 100 professionals. Clients are now national (Unilever, Cepsa, Mapfre, Sara Lee, etc.)

1998 Starts up the “Fundación Sabor y Salud” (Flavour and Health Foundation) where he integrates most of the national fruit and vegetable production and distribution sector.

2000 Founds ZenithbrMedia media agency with José María Rubert and the multinational Publicis. Together with Jacinto Fernández (colleague from PADE-I 2000 at the IESE) they develop a winery at San Vicente de la Sonsierra.

2003 With a small group of professionals he creates the “Asociación de Agencias de Publicidad de la Comunidad Valenciana” (Advertising Agencies Association of the Comunidad Valenciana).

2006 he creates the “Nopublicidad” concept that later on will develop into be the No publicidad Company S.L., the first “Risk Innovation” business.

2007 Suggests the creation of the current “Fundación de la Comunidad Valenciana para el Medio Ambiente” (Environment Foundation of the Comunidad Valenciana) and starts up the “Fundación Española para la Seguridad Vial” (Spanish Foundation for Road Security), Fesvial. Creates the “Observatory Below” (Below Observatory) that will develop the Cardenal Herrera University.

2008 Merger of his agency AGR with Artur Sales’ agency BSM Machine, five members of the boards of directors become partners and Cristina Sapena is the new General Manager.

2009. Agreement signed up with Publicis Dialog World Wide and AGR repositions itself as the first Spanish agency specialized in helping companies
to internationalize their brands. Year closed with campaigns active in ten countries and contracts valued at €30 million.


Beyond achieving my companies being prosperous and getting a motivating work environment, my intentions are:

AGR: helping poor countries to commercialize their products correctly – mostly agricultural-.

Nopublicidad Co, once started, demonstrating how the creative minds of the best advertising creative minds are the ideal ones to generate, with the needed methodology and support, new ideas and innovation beyond advertising; in the socio-political and especially in the business areas.


In 1989 he was chosen and awarded by the mayoress of Valencia as one of the best young businessman of the year.

In 1997 he was the first creative from Valencia that was awarded for his efficiency at AME Festival of New York.

He is the only Spanish person twice awarded with the “Alimentos de España” (Foods from Spain) prize.

Finalist from Valencia for the “Emprendedor del Año 2007” (Enterprising of Year 2007) prize awarded by Ernst & Young together with the IESE, Vocento and Fortis.

Sponsor of the XVth year of Advertising and Public Relations from CEU – Cardenal Herrera University.

He has been awarded with 45 creative prizes for AGR and 7 efficiency ones, placing AGR among the first national agencies for its efficiency.


AGR’s Chairman.
Zenithbrmedia’s Advisor.


AEA’s Partner.
Marketing’s Club of Valencia Partner.
AAPCV’s Partner
APG’s Partner
Trustee of the “Fundación de la Comunidad Valenciana para el Medio
Ambiente”. (Foundation of the Comunidad Valenciana for the Environment)
Club of Creatives Member.